and a million dollar trump donor. he gave the million to the inauguration. tomorrow s testimony puts the pressure on sondland to testify to what was on that particular call which the president says he doesn t even remember. again, he also said he hardly new sondland who as i said wrote a million dollar check pour the inaugural and whom the president rewarded with a plum job. in case, this all ties the president tighter to the allegation against him, could weaken one of main republican talking points that the testimony so far is second, third, or fourthhand. they re offering hearsay. hearsay. hearsay. not secondhand. it s all thirdhand information. second, third, fourthhand, no-hand information. in a real court of law that would be objected to as hearsay. it s perception on one side and hearsay on the other. keeping them honest it is not true hearsay is innibble in court. 23 specific exceptions under
ambassador sondland is of course gordon sondland, ambassador to the european union and a million dollar trump donor. he gave the million to the inauguration. tomorrow s testimony puts the pressure on sondland to testify to what was on that particular call which the president says he doesn t even remember. again, he also said he hardly new sondland who as i said wrote a million dollar check pour the inaugural and whom the president rewarded with a plum job. in case, this all ties the president tighter to the allegation against him, could weaken one of main republican talking points that the testimony so far is second, third, or fourth-hand. they re offering hearsay. hearsay. hearsay. not secondhand. it s all thirdhand information. second, third, fourth-hand, no-hand information. in a real court of law that would be objected to as hearsay. it s perception on one side and hearsay on the other. keeping them honest it is not true hearsay is inadmissible in court. 23 spec
he cooked for the whole team. is that the rasta pasta nights? the rasta pasta.ta absolutely. i mean, it was a staple of who we were as a group. reporter: after the championship season and graduation, nick kept leading. he became a coach and, in 2009, landed a plum job, head soccer coach at clarkson, just minutes from his alma mater. life was good. it got even better when nick, a father of three who d drifted from his kids mother, met tandy at that bar. him drinking guinness and diagramming plays on a cocktail napkin.ui what do you think the attraction was, tandy? conversation was just it was easy. the one thing that i liked about tandy, she had goals and ambition. reporter: things between the two heated up quickly, as these e-mails attest. from nick, i miss you millions. have a great work day. from tandy, i can t wait to get home to you. i ly. i love you. they were sharing a house, blending families, and going on
chronicle, they said please come back, your state needs you, run for senate. that would have been the perfect exit for him to say, you know, yes, my state is asking me to come home and who ale to say no? you know, so many of these candidates, steve bullock i think is from the governor of montana, is extraordinarily unlikely to be the democratic nominee. you know, why he won t run for senate is inexplicable. i look at this and can only think popular governor of montana. that this is how much mitch mcconnell has broken the senate, right, that the senate used to be, you know, a plum job, and now it s just frustration and gridlock and misery. to put to put a positive note on all of it. as you know, john hickenlooper last week said that he was dropping out. of his presidential bid. but he already ruled out a senate run in june. watch and listen. a couple of the papers in
there s a lot where you don t answer a question before it is asked. because it is an honor, i m inclined to have a discussion with the president. let s bring in zach wolff live in washington. this report says mr. trump hates discipline. he may have to settle for someone in the reality of trump versus the world. mr. trump s style is so outside management norms that we hesitate to suggest any names. zach, this is one of those plum jobs in washington. when you are chief of staff to the president of the united states, there is a lot you can do to build from there. why aren t there a bunch of people beating down the doors for the job? it is traditionally a plum job in washington.