she is just a hit gal. media matters. they don t want to argue. sthey don t want to win the debate. they want to search and destroy. that s what they do. that s why fox viewers are so loyal to this network because we refused to bow, refused to cave into these kind of terroristic tactics and that s what they are. they are it ll journo-terrorists and people are sick of it and tired of it and even the free speech movement journalist from 19624 was saying it s got to end. it s crazy. but they do it to intimidate and they are teaching young kids to learn to try to intimidate conservatives who they will call far right from ever entering the public sphere. that s what i think is really going on. yeah, you have two institutions that seem to be kind of in incestuous collaboration. on the one hand you have academia and academia is producing the fake narratives and the fake scholarship. then you have journalis two. is the left using these megaphones of culture, namely media, namely academia, to