Monogenean parasites have never been formally reported on fishes from the Lufira River Basin. In this context, we decided to record the monogenean parasite fauna of three cichlid species found in the Upper Lufira River Basin for the first time by inventorizing their diversity (species composition) and analysing their infection parameters (prevalence, mean intensity and abundance). The African cichlid fishes Oreochromis mweruensis, Coptodon rendalli and Serranochromis macrocephalus were selected for the study, given their economic value and their abundance in the Upper Lufira River Basin. Monogeneans were isolated from the gills and stomach, mounted on glass slides with either Hoyer’s medium or ammonium picrate-glycerin for identification under a stereomicroscope, based on morphological analysis of genital and haptoral hard parts. Indices of diversity and infections parameters were calculated. A total of 13 gill monogenean parasite species (Cichlidogyrus dossoui, C. halli, C. kari
Critical Metals plc., established to acquire opportunities in the strategic metals sector, today announced the first production of copper ore from its Molulu
Critical Metals PLC (LSE:CRTM) said production has started at the Molulu copper/cobalt mine in the DRC with a target of 120,000 tonnes of copper oxide ore.