Pleasanton City Manager Gerry Beaudin has appointed Newark Police Chief Gina Anderson to serve as the city’s interim police chief, while he works to find a permanent replacement for departing
REGIONAL — Alameda County officials have opened the bidding process for a new ambulance service contract, asking prospective providers to create a system that would make it unnecessary to transport
REGIONAL – The city managers of Pleasanton and Livermore are demanding that Falck Northern California improve its ambulance service’s response times in the two cities.
Pleasanton Mayor Karla Brown and councilmembers Valerie Arkin, Jeff Nibert and Julie Testa are either finding the budget difficult to understand or knowingly obfuscating to justify spending $10.6 million on discretionary amenities.
Beaudin just received unanimous support from the City Council (who admittedly tread carefully that night) to revamp the city s longstanding process for identifying and prioritizing public projects, programs and policies initiatives.