Mar 12, 2021
DEMONSTRATING KINDNESS â As an act of kindness in showing gratitude to essential workers, members of the Cross Creek Tomahawks 4-H Club recently took hoagies, homemade cookies, drinks and snacks to the Pottery Addition Volunteer Fire Department. Involved in the presentation were, front row, from left, Mary Bender, department Chief Andrew Hayes and Charles Barr; and back, Ava Aftanas, Bryden Kittle and Avery Kittle. Contributed
STEUBENVILLE The Jefferson County 4-H program is thriving despite social distancing regulations in place because of COVID-19, according to Angie Allison, Extension educator, 4-H youth development, and Leslie Aftanas, 4-H/agriculture and natural resource, program assistant.
Fun in the Park bringing community together with fun, free activities
14 Jan, 2021 06:54 PM
2 minutes to read
The community has fun at a Fun in the Park event this week. Photo / Supplied
Shauni James is the Rotorua Weekender
Rotorua has an abundance of parks to explore, and a summer series celebrates these gems while bringing fun activities for families to enjoy.
The Fun in the Park series held two events this week at Rowi St Reserve and Wrigley Rd Reserve, and more are coming ext week.
Jill Campbell, Kaitohu Rautaki/ strategy adviser, strategy and partnership team, says the Fun in the Park events include library children s activities, a Central Kids Kindergarten activities tent, Cook Island drumming, Kimiora Trust s Slip and Slide and bouncy castle, use of existing playgrounds and parks, free barbecue, volleyball and touch activities, MC and music, a DHB health stall, and Rotorua Lakes Council bikes trailer providing free bike act
wbff tv in baltiiore, this is fox 45 news at 10:00. good evening, i am jennifer gilbert. and i am jeff barnd. tonight, we learn that storm that slammed baltimore wednesday morning, was a tornado. leaving hundreds of families doing repairr with winter just weeks away. and as you can see behind us, that twitter damaged hundreds of homes. roofs ripped off. trees puuched throogh walls. debris tossed around yards. keith daniels joins us live in @%rtheast baltimore, where people are realizing be it could take months to repair the damage created by the wicked weather, right keith? that s correct jennifer. live at the dutch village apartment complex. so much damage here. severe winds pushed over huge trees, like this onee and destroyed people s homes. that tornado ripped off the roof of this building. tonight, repairs, and they say,@ if you walk through here yesterday, it was surreal. guy, a contractor. it has been cleared. dealing with repairs at the dutch village co