Jill Easter, now known as Ava Everheart, and her former husband, Kent Easter, waged war with school volunteer Kelli Peters before planting drugs in her car.
BSA Troop 606 Honors 9 Eagle Scouts
Yasmine Fukushima is Irvine s first female to achieve the rank.
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IRVINE Scouts BSA Troop 606, led by former Boys’ Scoutmaster Greg Nylen (currently Chris Bank) and Girls’ Scoutmaster Thomas Doherty and chartered by the University United Methodist Church in Irvine, is proud to announce nine scouts who recently attained the rank of Eagle Scout at its first-ever virtual Eagle Court of Honor ceremony that was held on Feb. 8.
This class of Eagle Scouts includes Irvine’s first female Eagle Scout. Scouts BSA, formerly Boy Scouts of America, has officially allowed females to join the scouting program and earn the rank of Eagle Scout since Feb. 1, 2019. Troop 606 was one of the first in Irvine to welcome female scouts and Yasmin Fukushima has been inducted as one of 1,000 in the inaugural class of female Eagle Scouts that was honored by a National Scouts BSA on Feb. 20, 2021.