set $4.50 and we ask the question on the poll yesterday would you vote democrat or republican in october if the price of regular gas was $4.50 a blond and as you know, hawaii is $4.54 and california is $4.33 today. and we noticed a marked decline in people voting democratic. the people voting democratic in the survey declined 11 point from 47 percent to 36 percent and the republican number did not move and undecided exploded to downtown percent so this one issue a high price of gas and $4.50 target is the magic in unis a great equalizer. neil: offsetting all the other improvings stats? guest: that is true with the poll we covered health care, we covered foreign policy. you name it. the economy. offshore drilling. you name it. and 660 pages from the website but that one question addresses what will level the playing fold in november so it is going to be