The Community Spotlight 2021.03.06
Become an honorary ambassador of Spotlight island.
Hello and welcome to the latest edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight and I, @zombiepie, am once again honored to be your host as we loo back at the best user-created endeavors from the past week. For whatever reasons, there were no user reviews or lists to report from the community. As a result, I have cut the sections, but they will return in the future should any notable reviews or lists from community members pop up. Likewise, last week s Spotlight got absolutely slobberknockered by spambots. If you enjoy this feature please, show your support in the comments. I know a lot of people are frustrated about the spambot situation, but please remember to flag spam posts but DO NOT reply or comment in them. With all of that in mind, let s jump into the site-related housekeeping!
The Community Spotlight 2021.02.27
After two years of deliberation, we ve decided to continue development on The Community Spotlight.
Hello and welcome to another edition of the Giant Bomb Community Spotlight and I, @zombiepie, am once again honored to be your host as we look back at the wonderful community creations from the last week.
Holy crap! For whatever reason, and I m not judging, the community wrote up a storm this week! Outside of the Christmas and GOTY themed editions of the Community Spotlight, this might be the most I have ever written for a Spotlight in a long while. But, I love it! Having more community content to share is not a bad problem to have. However, I do want to ask all of you to try seeking out one blog on the Spotlight and taking the time to thank the writer. Some of these blogs are still looking for their first comment of support and that one comment can mean the world to a lot of people. With that in mind, let s jump into the site-related housekeeping!