all day long. jillian: there was a limited edition nonpartisan deck to keep thanksgiving dinner politics-free. rob: we decided to put the game to the test just ahead of turkey day. if you are wondering how is uno political to begin with? just the colors. no red or blue cards. todd, why don t you kick us off and play uno. jillian: we didn t cheat a little bit. to the personal to her left goes first. todd goes. he matched the number, now you go. i will match the color. i m going to bring the wild card. did anybody think we would actualliable good at this? jillian: just for that, pick up four cards. i thought would were friends. put down anything or the one before. still go purple. you can go any color
up a colored booinger. why would you ever get this game for a child? they play with all manners of ex kreegsz, they don t need an snot it game. laura: one of my sons would love it. my advice break out the kleenex and play uno. my great grandmother taught us the game black javenlth that s a game you can play right up until you die. laura: were you like a rock em sock em robot? i loved that. laura: battleship. the same idea as the pop game you shove swords and you get getty the pc police don t come up with games. laura: whoever came up with these games they had to be doing the shrooms we re going to talk about in the next segment. the pot heads coming up.
investigators that all they did was play uno and eat pizza, you would not need immunity. he was given a get out of jail free card by prosecutors, so we can only imagine he gave incriminating information, not only on cohen but more than likely included something involving donald trump. recently he was deposed in the state of new york attorney general s lawsuit brought against the donald trump foundation and gave a lot of information involving donald trump with regards to the trump foundation in the under oath lawsuit. you know, greg, chief financial officer signs off on everything. it is the very nexus of anything to do with a 1 or 0 or any other number in it, and 1s and zeros