keep their blue check marks. brook has the latest. hollywood unsubscribing, celebrities running from the social media platform. the space ex billionaire took to the site to remind users of his new position saying quote my title is chief at which time right there in the on no idea who the ceo is. it comes as several celebrities make statements announcing their department. singer sarah saying well it s been fun twitter i m out see you on other platforms peeps. sorry this one s just not for me. and sean today rimes the creator of gray s a nate my saying not hanging around for what elon has. maverick says he looks forward to running a platform for wide range of beliefs that can debated in healthy ways without resorting to violence. watch this. now that elon musk runs twitter, do you trust him? no, i do not. i just don t think people should be making money off of passing on this stuff that s a bunch of lies i. but podcast host joe rogen is praising the move saying policies
keep their blue check marks. brook has the latest. hollywood unsubscribing, celebrities running from the social media platform. the space ex billionaire took to the site to remind users of his new position saying quote my title is chief at which time right there in the on no idea who the ceo is. it comes as several celebrities make statements announcing their department. singer sarah saying well it s been fun twitter i m out see you on other platforms peeps. sorry this one s just not for me. and sean today rimes the creator of gray s a nate my saying not hanging around for what elon has. maverick says he looks forward to running a platform for wide range of beliefs that can debated in healthy ways without resorting to violence. watch this. now that elon musk runs twitter, do you trust him? no, i do not. i just don t think people should be making money off of passing