Parks here. If you go to dolores, well start to see all of the facilities that they have available. Looks like theres a tennis court, a dog play area, some childrens park play areas. And if you actually go into one of the childrens play area maybe, you can see some details about it. Any news about each of the parks is going to be referenced here through a feed. Ability to donate to the rec and park. Lets say a ballfield, youd be getting ballfield information. If theres close out based on rain. And you can do some filtering, spotcheck the filtering real quick. This is whats near right now. Filter, weve got, i dont know, what is it, over 10 categories, maybe closer to 20. And basically anything youre looking for, you can turn on right here. For me, im a dog owner. Maybe i want to take the kids as well. And i want to find a park that has all of these things. I filter, i go back. Ill find which ones are the closest via the list or the map view. And then when you actually go ahead and click
Accelerate what happens naturally in nature is biomimickery that happens in tidal estuaries. It brings in nutrients to the microbes. Its delivered in the air, and does the rest of the process, chewing up those nutrients in the water and producing nitrogen and carbon. Were doing that in a system where were creating 12 to 16 tides per day. The wastewater for our building begins its journey by travel tog our primary tank which is a fairly normal looking manhole. Beneath these manholes is a 10,000 gallon primary tank. There are two chambers. The trash chamber which filters out the trash and plastics and the organic solids settle out just as normal Wastewater Treatment process is. The water then flows to an equalization tank, a recirculation tank, and then on to tidal flow wetlands cell 1a. All those these cells look to be only 3 or 4 feet deep, theyre actually 8 feet deep below this concrete sidewalk. The water repeatedly cycle into the cell from the bottom up. As the water comes up into t
Start to see all of the facilities that they have available. Looks like theres a tennis court, a dog play area, some childrens park play areas. And if you actually go into one of the childrens play area maybe, you can see some details about it. Any news about each of the parks is going to be referenced here through a feed. Ability to donate to the rec and park. Lets say a ballfield, youd be getting ballfield information. If theres close out based on rain. And you can do some filtering, spotcheck the filtering real quick. This is whats near right now. Filter, weve got, i dont know, what is it, over 10 categories, maybe closer to 20. And basically anything youre looking for, you can turn on right here. For me, im a dog owner. Maybe i want to take the kids as well. And i want to find a park that has all of these things. I filter, i go back. Ill find which ones are the closest via the list or the map view. And then when you actually go ahead and click on any of these parks, youll be brough
Ill zoom in on a park. You can see many different parks here. If you go to dolores, well start to see all of the facilities that they have available. Looks like theres a tennis court, a dog play area, some childrens park play areas. And if you actually go into one of the childrens play area maybe, you can see some details about it. Any news about each of the parks is going to be referenced here through a feed. Ability to donate to the rec and park. Lets say a ballfield, youd be getting ballfield information. If theres close out based on rain. And you can do some filtering, spotcheck the filtering real quick. This is whats near right now. Filter, weve got, i dont know, what is it, over 10 categories, maybe closer to 20. And basically anything youre looking for, you can turn on right here. For me, im a dog owner. Maybe i want to take the kids as well. And i want to find a park that has all of these things. I filter, i go back. Ill find which ones are the closest via the list or the map v
Get up on your feet and step to the beat. Senior dance class is from sf rec and park. A great way to get out and play. For more information, so, were just going to take you through this really quickly. Over 200 parks, over 1100 facilities are all contained within this. Everything is based around you as a human being have your app. If youre looking for a park or if youre not familiar with any of the parks here in the city are, this app is a perfect accessory. So were basically zooming in on the map right now. You can see the clustering 2 12 parks. As you get closer in, it lets you know where youre at. Ill zoom in on a park. You can see many different parks here. If you go to dolores, well start to see all of the facilities that they have available. Looks like theres a tennis court, a dog play area, some childrens park play areas. And if you actually go into one of the childrens play area maybe, you can see some details about it. Any news about each of the parks is going to be referenced