Despite projections that turnout in Tuesday’s coordinated election would be low, a late showing of voters pushed turnout up to 43% in La Plata and Montezuma counties, exceeding many expectations.
La Plata County has a new treasurer and public trustee.
Ann “Moni” Grushkin was sworn in by County Clerk and Recorder Tiffany Lee on Friday afternoon before about 30 people at the county administrati.
On Sept. 14, 2023, Katie Marie Siegrist, 27, was walking her dog along Animas View Drive near the United Campground of Durango. Struck from behind by a black 1987 Jeep, Siegrist succumbed to her injur.
About two months after they first closed, the transfer stations in Bayfield and Marvel are expected to reopen as soon as Nov. 8.
The La Plata Board of County Commissioners approved a resolution Tuesda.
La Plata County will celebrate its 150th birthday in 2024 and for 75 of those years, the La Plata County Fair has celebrated the rich agricultural and rural heritage of the county. The fair builds tom.