Our View: Take Mama D’s advice for a feel-good holiday
Durango, Colorado Fri 69% chance of precipitation
Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2020 5:33 AM Updated: Tuesday, Dec. 22, 2020 4:01 PM
Our View: Take Mama D’s advice for a feel-good holiday
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For five years now, Donna Kimmel of Oklahoma City has been crocheting hats and donating them to Durangoans in need.
“I start about August, and I have a goal,” the 71-year-old Kimmel said. “This year, it was a hundred.”
The project got started one winter when Kimmel’s daughter-in-law Keena told her about seeing a poorly clad man shivering in the cold outside her White Rabbit Books & Curiosities store on the river walk.
In tough times, people showed best selves with animals
Durango, Colorado Currently Fri 2% chance of precipitation 1% chance of precipitation 1% chance of precipitation
Friday, Dec. 18, 2020 3:20 PM
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By Marcy Eckhardt
La Plata County Humane Society
2020 will forever be remembered as the Year of COVID-19, but for those of us in animal welfare, it will always be synonymous with the year people showed their best selves. When animal shelters, rescues and adoption agencies became recipients of the best in people rather than just cleaning up from the worst. It is the year that saw fewer strays, more adoptions and donations and more human concern than ever before.