This is a startling reminder of just how prolific plastic pollution has become – humans live on land and yet seafood samples are just as likely to be contaminated with plastics as are terrestrial derived proteins.
The team tested 16 types of proteins, including chicken nuggets, beef steaks, fish fillets and plant-based burgers, and found 90 percent of the products had microplastics.
From chicken nuggets to tofu, American proteins have a microplastics problem. An Environmental Pollution study published on Monday reviewed a wide range of meat, fish and vegetarian meat alternatives — and found that 88 percent of them contained some form of microplastics. Microplastics are tiny pieces of plastics the approximate size of a grain of sand or a human…
/CNW/ - Traditionally harvested foods are important to the culture and diet of Indigenous peoples and Northerners. It takes Indigenous peoples and scientists.