Two men had allegedly cheated the 27-year-old actor, who is from Mumbai, by planting drugs on her and sending her to Sharjah under the pretext of an audition while promising her a role in a Hollywood web series. Chrisann Pereira Drug Possession Case: Mumbai Actor Released From Sharjah Jail by Law Enforcement Authorities.
Her family posted a video showing them dancing, crying with disbelief, with a relieved but weeping Chrisann on the other side, all urging her to come back as early as possible.
Chrisann Pereira's family is approaching PM Narendra Modi & Minister For External Affairs after Mumbai Police nab the accused who made her a drug mule. Read on
Chrisann Pereira's family is approaching PM Narendra Modi & Minister For External Affairs after Mumbai Police nab the accused who made her a drug mule. Read on