Money in Mushrooms
Sixteen miles of mushroom beds.Charles Slack, Waterloo, P. Q., took a chance. Now he’s the Empire’s top mushroom grower January 1 1946 Lyn Harrington, Hugh Jeffries
Money in Mushrooms
Sixteen miles of mushroom beds.Charles Slack, Waterloo, P. Q., took a chance. Now he’s the Empire’s top mushroom grower
Lyn Harrington and Hugh Jeffries
YOU step through a door into cavernous gloom. As your guide, with the miner’s lamp on his hat, turns to close the door, his beam of light washes briefly over hundreds of little white blobs.
Far away another workman’s light dances like a will-o’-the-wisp.r Your own guide’s light is shining steadily now on a long wooden framework. Within it are tier upon tier of six-foot-wide wooden trays (mushroom beds) filled with black earth and, amazingly like pearls against a velvety background, the white shapes you glimpsed before.