The KeyState Natural Gas Synthesis project in Clinton County, PA, is developing the first carbon capture project in Pennsylvania, which will locally produce hydrogen, ammonia, and urea (see Innovative Clinton County, PA Petchem Plant Gets More Investors). The project includes a closed natural gas extraction and manufacturing system that produces zero emissions and emission-reduced products.
The KeyState Natural Gas Synthesis project in Clinton County, PA, is developing the first carbon capture project in Pennsylvania, which will locally produce hydrogen, ammonia, and urea (see Innovative Clinton County, PA Petchem Plant Gets More Investors). The $400-$500 million project will drill for the natural gas, transport and process it, and manufacture the end
KeyState LLC is developing 7,000 acres of natural gas fields and geological storage in West Keating Township, Clinton County in the middle of coal and iron country in central Pennsylvania (see Innovative Clinton County, PA Petchem Plant Gets More Investors). KeyState to Zero, as it's called, is a $400 million petrochemical project that will use