ELKTON — There are a lot of plans and ideas to revitalize the vacant property along A Street in downtown Elkton that Town Council purchased in February.
February 23, 2021 By Michael Kruzman / news@whmi.com
Pinckney Village Council is seeking final clarifications as they prepare to release the application for marijuana businesses in the village.
Village Council dove into the most recent draft of the application and scoring rubric for marijuana establishments, Monday night. The application period is scheduled to open up on April 1st. In order to qualify for scoring, applicants will need to submit a $5,000 non-refundable check and have a valid special use permit granted by the village. The proposed facility will also have to fall within applicable zoning without the need for rezoning or a variance, on property they have a legal interest in. Each applicant will be graded on a 95-point scale that includes checkmarks for having appropriate licenses, business and safety plans, and their commitment to the community. The Village Clerk will do the scoring. Council discussed setting up a workshop for applican