Yee present madam president you have a quoru m. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen will you join me in the pledge of allegiance. The pledge of allegiance. Now madam clerk are there any communications . Yes, madam president. We have a communication and the board is aware pursuant to the actions taken the effective resignation. Are there any corrections to the minutes . Seeing none, colleagues if there are no changes then without objection and the Meeting Minutes stand subject to general public comment. And madam clerk, can you please read the consent calendar . Items one through four one through four comprise the consent calendar. Items 1 through 4 supervisor tang. Tang aye supervisor weiner aye. Supervisor yee aye. Avalos aye. Supervisor breed breed aye campos aye cohen aye supervisor farrell aye supervisor kim aye and mar absent there are 9 ayes. Thank you the consent calendar passes and madam clerk, item number 5, please. Approximately 8. 1 million from reserves for fiscal year 2014 thr
Good afternoon. Welcome to our board of supervisors meeting for for december for december 9th, 2014. Avalos present. Breed present. Campos present. Cohen present. Farrell present. Supervisor kim. Kim present. Supervisor mar not present. President tang present. Supervisor weiner present. Yee present madam president you have a quoru m. Thank you. Ladies and gentlemen will you join me in the pledge of allegiance. The pledge of allegiance. Now madam clerk are there any communications . Yes, madam president. We have a communication and the board is aware pursuant to the actions taken the effective resignation. Are there any corrections to the minutes . Seeing none, colleagues if there are no changes then without objection and the Meeting Minutes stand subject to general public comment. And madam clerk, can you please read the consent calendar . Items one through four one through four comprise the consent calendar. Items 1 through 4 supervisor tang. Tang aye supervisor weiner aye. Supervisor
The pledge of allegiance. The pledge of allegiance. Now madam clerk are there any communications . Yes, madam president. We have a communication and the board is aware pursuant to the actions taken the effective resignation. Are there any corrections to the minutes . Seeing none, colleagues if there are no changes then without objection and the Meeting Minutes stand subject to general public comment. And madam clerk, can you please read the consent calendar . Items one through four one through four comprise the consent calendar. Items 1 through 4 supervisor tang. Tang aye supervisor weiner aye. Supervisor yee aye. Avalos aye. Supervisor breed breed aye campos aye cohen aye supervisor farrell aye supervisor kim aye and mar absent there are 9 ayes. Thank you the consent calendar passes and madam clerk, item number 5, please. Approximately 8. 1 million from reserves for fiscal year 2014 through 15 15 15 15 15 for site development. On item 5 tang aye. Supervisor ween weiner aye avalos aye
Permit conditions. With the two of those which is what exactly what we are going to be doing. Generally the contractors, so the things that we are trying to balance here because it does take a long time to get work done particularly in the rightofway, the city, we are trying to give the contractors the space so they can get the work done and get out. Its always a balance of how much time to give them and we are going to make sure that we dont give them more space than they need and we hope to improve construction to repair the water lines and repair our streets so that work can continue. Thank you. Happy to answer questions afterwards. Thank you all for coming. Good afternoon. Welcome to our board of supervisors meeting for for december for december 9th, 2014. Avalos present. Breed present. Campos present. Cohen present. Farrell present. Supervisor kim. Kim present. Supervisor mar not present. President tang present. Supervisor weiner present. Yee present madam president you have a quo
Far people watch San Francisco and your right its exciting thought. Colleagues. And then maybe just so we know essentially were slording the process of continuing the Stakeholder Engagement to get everyone together and to craft and process this policy south poles soulgdz theres interest at the board of supervisors and we understand the mayor is a big fan and hes interested so i guess well so you would with those ideas its like presenting it for our mayor and board of supervisors to kind of take to the next step is that where we go from here. I will add their complexities technical complexities and im anticipating were going to encounter things that will slow down and how much rooftop can you share with the many variables and what if theres not enough room so we want to go through the stakeholder vetting to make sure weve dot all the is and cross the ts to get the technical aspect in the correct order as well as correct in general. Okay. And see once we have this kind of draft of the po