threaten doctors, scare women. i saw that through all the years i was at planned parenthood. we just saw that in illinois. there was the bombing in the planned parenthood office there. that is what i worry about. i am from texas. the overwhelming sentiment you here in texas from health care providers and clinicians, it is one of fear. that is a state where they are not only protesting, but you know also have a bounty hunter system where you can turn anyone who helps a woman who is seeking access to safe and legal abortion. this is not the kind of country that people want and that voters demonstrate. the republicans did not listen. they are not listening. you talk about republicans. i want to ask you about what you make of democrats and how they are handling this. especially the biden administration. do you think they are doing enough? i think that the biden
changing strategies. yesterday, antiabortion protesters were in washington, d.c. for the annual march for life. many focused on the fight for a federal abortion ban. abortion rights activists are shifting their focus to what is happening at the state level. that includes state and judicial elected elections. this is the co-chair of american bridge, former president of the planned parenthood federation of america. thank you so much for being here. i m wondering if you can talk to me about what you make of abortion rights activists, supporters of abortion rights. they have a focus on judicial elections and state laws in this battleground. we have to do both, try? we have to actually pass laws at the state level. now, as you just show, this is a state by state issue. we have 17 states that have banned abortion. there s the danger to women and what is happening. stories are coming out every day. we also have to make sure that this is a federal right. it should not depend on your