The world faces two big challenges: war and climate change. Who's profiting from the war in Ukraine? Could Europe reduce its reliance on foreign gas through offshore drilling? Do carbon offsets really work and how do you dispose of old wind turbines?
Fungi are beautiful, largely invisible and essential for life on Earth. They're capable of some pretty astonishing feats. They can treat soils contaminated with oils and radioactive elements, and could even be used to build houses in the future.
Coal powered the industrial revolution, which led to unprecedented global prosperity - but it came with a price. These days the most coal is burned in Asia. How can the world reduce its dependency on the raw material?
Ocean energy has the potential to provide vast amounts of power worldwide. It has yet to be properly harnessed, but tidal power could eventually become one of our main – and cleanest – sources of renewable energy.
With more and more plastic ending up in landfill or in our oceans, companies are looking for greener alternatives. Packaging made from seaweed or mushroom mycelia could help the environment and curb our insatiable appetite for plastic.