not just for the pictures it is not number one she said she ll e me in the kid kidney she meansee good one can you live with zero kidneys inn for a fact you can live for years without a brain.. [laughter] be successful. now that that s out of the way, a new gallup poll shows recor, number of americans arell identifying asup politically independent 49%, in fact, compared to 25% who identify aso republicanmps and another 25 whs identify as female competitive swimmers. [laughter] sha s shocking since two decadei ago independents accounted for lowest percentage of voters as seen in this easy to understand graph. [laughter] yeah drew that on the way home last night pete hegseth gives one hell of a piggy back right you might be asking what happened since 2004? lfi mean, over joe biden s hairh plugaps turning 60. gallop points to the disillusion meant with the political system u.s. institutions and the two party which is are seen as too s political and too extreme. so yeah you can
that is more than a smattering. not just for the pictures. if is not number one she said she will schiff me in the kidney. she means the good one. i wonder, can you live with zero kidneys? i know for a fact you can live for years without a brain. and to be successful. now that that is out of the way, a new gallup poll shows a record number of americans are identifying as politically independent. 49% compared to 25% who identify as republicans and another 25 who identify as female competitive swimmers. that is shocking since just two decades ago independence accounted for the lowest percentage of voters as scene in this easy to understand graph. i drew that on the way home last night. you might be asking yourself, self, what happened since 2004? other than joe biden s hair plugs turning 60. gala points to the disillusionment with the political system. u.s. institutions and the two parties which are seen as ineffectual and too extreme. you can say people are fed up with two par
that is more than a smattering. not just for the pictures. if is not number one she said she will schiff me in the kidney. she means the good one. i wonder, can you live with zero kidneys? i know for a fact you can live for years without a brain. and to be successful. now that that is out of the way, a new gallup poll shows a record number of americans are identifying as politically independent. 49% compared to 25% who identify as republicans and another 25 who identify as female competitive swimmers. that is shocking since just two decades ago independence accounted for the lowest percentage of voters as scene in this easy to understand graph. i drew that on the way home last night. you might be asking yourself, self, what happened since 2004? other than joe biden s hair plugs turning 60. gala points to the disillusionment with the political system. u.s. institutions and the two parties which are seen as ineffectual and too extreme. you can say people are fed up with two par
that is more than a smattering. not just for the pictures. if is not number one she said she will schiff me in the kidney. she means the good one. i wonder, can you live with zero kidneys? i know for a fact you can live for years without a brain. and to be successful. now that that is out of the way, a new gallup poll shows a record number of americans are identifying as politically independent. 49% compared to 25% who identify as republicans and another 25 who identify as female competitive swimmers. that is shocking since just two decades ago independence accounted for the lowest percentage of voters as scene in this easy to understand graph. i drew that on the way home last night. you might be asking yourself, self, what happened since 2004? other than joe biden s hair plugs turning 60. gala points to the disillusionment with the political system. u.s. institutions and the two parties which are seen as ineffectual and too extreme. you can say people are fed up with two par
mask on yeah i was upset about that because like i wouldn t want to be unsanitary and breathe but you re going to leave this giant booger eave in front of me so that was fro upsetting but i look who should have done the plane chores why not the he like why didn pt the baby do i? or five-year-old. he babies keangts pick things. wouldn t they be playing video game wers if they family d enough money to bring me on a plane when i was two like because this is first world problems right like my yeah i do it too. i have too i ve complained abou. this stuff too. but i just i could beto embarrassed i think ifo. myi husband tweeted like she had to clean up popcorn. but if it was someone else sbu booger that s a different story. someone else s boringer. that s name of my next book. [laughter] emily i did not write this question so i don t know if to this, but if you knocked oves