this role of trying to figure out what mueller is doing than he is for his legal expertise. giuliani hopes they can comply with the mueller investigation. the president s legal team, he s hoping to reach the cob conclusion of an investigation within a few weeks. what do you make of that? i think of this as plan c. plan a was to figure out a way to get rid of the attorney general and replace him. plan b was to fire rosenstein. but if those don t make sense and they don t for a host of reasons including pushback from here on the hill, a third strategy is to get a high profile negotiator to shut this thing down. he says he has giuliani high regard in his words for bob mueller and says he should be allowed to do his job. he s entitled to do his job. is is that encouraging to you? well, certainly that s the right philosophy. i think the president s making a move that s motivated by finding
we have plan a, plan b, plan c. plan a is to live and die in libya. plan b is to live and die in libya. plan c is to live and die in libya. so is there anything in the face of that the united states and its allies can do? cnn political analyst david gergen has advised four u.s. presidents. retired general wesley clark s career included a stint as the supreme allied commander at nato. and ambassador wendy sherman is a veteran american diplomat whose experience with rogue regimes includes time across the table from north korea s kim jong il. before we get started i want you to put all three of our guests on the screen for a minute. i just want to ask you for a show of hands. is there anyone raise your hand if you believe president sarkozy of france has said gadhafi must go. the white house says he has zero credibility. raise your hand if you think gadhafi will listen and leave. i think that speaks volumes right there.
slick suits, giving speeches and shaking hands with dignitaries and well-known singers, pretending to be a man of civilization and reform. he s cast his lot with his father now, and claims everything is normal. take a look at this new interview he did, the son did, with cnn. saif first caught by a photographer with a smile and a wink right to the camera. i got to tell you, when we first saw that, we couldn t believe it. there s blood in the streets but after years of living and feasting on millions in oil money being protected and pampered, this man is cocky and smug as ever. we don t know what s going on in his head but his words are defiant and disastrous. we have plan a, plan b, plan c. plan a is to live and die in libya. plan b is to live and die in libya. plan c is to live and die in libya. he continued to blame outside terrorists for the uprisings. and most shocking of all, he
with dignitaries and well-known singers, pretending to be a man of civilization and reform. he s cast his lot with his father now, and claims everything is normal. take a look at this new interview he did, the son did, first caught by a photographer with a smile and a wink. right to the camera. i got to tell you, when we first saw that, we couldn t believe that. there s blood in the streets but after years of living and feasting on millions in oil money being protected and pampered, this man is cocky and smug as ever. we don t know what s going on in his head but his words are defiant and disastrous. we have plan a, plan b, plan c. plan a to live and die in libya. plan b is to live and die in libya. plan c is to live and die in libya. he continued to blame outside terrorists for the uprisings. and most shocking of all, he
myself and two of my colleagues finally made it after about three hours of pushing, shoving and kicking. the u.s. embassy in libya says the government will evacuate americans from tripoli by air and they re going to istanbul, turkey. this will be the first american evacuations by air since the unrest began nine days ago. switzerland is freezing moammar gadhafi s bank accounts and other property holdings. britain is reportedly going to do the same. the u.s. treasure department has told american banks to watch for suspicious transactions. gadhafi s son says a financial noose will not force his family out. we have plan a, plan b, plan c. plan a is to live and die in libya. plan b is to live and die in libya. plan c is to live and die in libya.