it took one big problem off the table far into the future. the french recognize that. macron said something very powerful in the leadup to this meeting. he said, look, if you want to throw out this deal, tell me, what is your plan b? there is no plan b. let s play that for for our viewers, i wanted to ask you about that. here is emmanuel macron speaking to fox earlier. what do you have? i don t see it. what is a what if scenario? or your plan b? i don t have a plan b for nuclear against iran. so we will discuss that, that s why i just want to say on nuclear, let s preserve the framework because it is better than sort of north korean type. tony, do you think that emmanuel macron is the guy who can convince the president to stay with the deal? two things, kate. one, he s exactly right. there is no plan b. and, you know, heading into this potential negotiation with north