Eid-Ul-Adha in the Red Zone of Cité Martial/Plaine Verte
Regarding the forthcoming celebration of Eid-Ul-Adha1 in the declared Red Zone of Port-Louis, namely Cité Martial/Plaine Verte, the Fédération Des Mosquées De La Plaine Verte (“FMPV”) wishes to inform all those concerned about the following chronological events.
– Further to the General Notice No. 933 of 2021, whereby part of the district of Port-Louis, namely Cité Martial/Plaine Verte, has been declared as a Red Zone (the “Port-Louis Red Zone”), the FMPV contacted the Plaine Verte Police Station, on 7th July 2021, to make several suggestions.
– A Press Conference was organised by the FMPV, in the evening of 7th July 2021, with all the necessary sanitary measures in place.