Deep Yellow Limited (ASX:DYL) A$40.8M Placement Successfully Completed
OTCMKTS:DYLLF) is pleased to confirm that the placement announced on 18 February 2021 (Placement) has been successfully completed.
Accordingly, the Company has today issued 62,768,803 ordinary fully paid shares (Shares) to qualified, institutional, sophisticated and professional investors at A$0.65 per Share to raise approximately $40.8 million (before costs).
Euroz Hartleys Securities Limited and Aitken Murray Capital Partners Pty Ltd acted as Joint Lead Managers to the Placement.
Commenting on the successful Placement, Deep Yellow s Managing Director & CEO, John Borshoff said: It is worth repeating that this highly successful fundraising has put the Company in a strong financial position making us better able to execute on the multiple potentially wealth creating activities we have under consideration.