After reuniting for the first time in 14 years to perform an intimate show in London, Jane’s Addiction, with their original band members, and Love And Rockets a[gob 11, 0129]HeccraThe Devil-Faces of My Old Friends, Beneath MeThe Mint That Grows Behind the DumpsterLiturgy93696DjennarationCourtingNew Last NameEmily GNative Sun, A Place To Bury StrangersOff With Our Heads: The RemixesCalled the Doctor - A Place To Bury StrangersNervesEmptyEmptyO.SpliceATMIglooghostCollision DataDiode TeethAstrophysics, MurrmurghostghostCremation LilyHeartstopper Pt. IIHeartstopper Pt. II
After a 2023 debut with Pavement, Tent Pole: A Music Jamboree will return in 2024 with Dinosaur Jr, Magwai, Calexico, Cash Savage and the Last Drinks, RVG, Civic, Our Carlson, Delivery, The Belair Lip Bombs and Al Matcott.