in this case status is a total scam, and notl just in this case. in virtually all cases,d more nonprofit status helps p the richest, most powerful people in the country becomen ma richer and more powerful. and in so manyny c cases, to poison the our society. the society that others built or in cases, the executive director of american companies ,a leader in the new the conservative movement and one of the very feww professionals a conservative relaxium who understands tech policy. so we re always grateful to have hav. orrin hatch, thanks so much for coming on tonight. i m failing to see - it s great to see you. i m failing to see the i understand the idea behind nonprofits at us and the goodfis intentions that went into creating this part of the tax code. seeing the good effects really but i m not seeing the good effects really any more at all.. well, i think it s important to think about why we used tod u put this in place.sicome the whole idea was that if instead of usin
codeers with a qr on the back that links them to these resources, including this resource on queering sex ed. the idea is that traditional education is a white male heterosexual focused. and in order to empower students and empower lgbtq+ students, you have to teach them about the whole range of acts, including, say, masochism, bonding,. and then this, i ll show you, because it s almost unbelievable. this is actually a guide designed to, quote, empower masoch fiutish on , which they define as putting a fist or whole i nthand into a person s or. i agree this should be a crime . any adult government employee that talks about these things, b kids should be immediately fired. but that s not what immediatelsg . this is the teachers union official ideology. they vs e teachers ue taken thef radical gender theory from. the universities and now they rey re mainlining thie maio the k through 12 system without parents consent. ent, witarentswithout parents k, and this is the kind ofools resource