i just want to go back two minutes. two minutes ago, he was laying beside me and he was alive and now he s gone forever. inside this house, an armed intruder hunts for prey. i heard angie scream, oh my god, oh my god i could see blood running down his neck i nudged justin, he didn respond. your fiancée had just bee killed, but she s calm somehow she seemed very calm. but he was either a but bo front on the side, a lov triangle but on the dark highway, th case will take a dramatic turn there was my body, on edge. were you nervous? extremely nervous a mysterious driver carryin ominous cargo. how did he explain that at that time, you don t it suggests that there s conspiracy unraveling a mind bending plot reveals the shattering truth inhuman is the only word can think of, inhuman to d something like that. it was a moonless night i iowa, 4:00 in the morning. the quietest of quiet hours. a small town cop went down a empty highway, found for th
was he glad to see you? i don t if he was glad to see me - i mean, you were potentiall going to rescue him from a bad situation. he saw someone that could help him, i don t know if sh was necessarily happy to see me david told him he was on hi way home from visiting his brother that night i basically asked him, ther is no way and chance that yo are visiting a friend an grimes tonight why would you bring that up there had just been withi an hour a homicide taking plac in grimes, the suspect was still unaccounted for and you have a guy sweating and smelling sweet exactly what did he say i don t even know where the town is. everything about david made the deputy feel anxious. all the hair, not on my head, but on my body was standing on edge that s weird, he is a regular guy, didn t seem to be