hardly the sort of people commit assassinations. police started surveilling the gang 24/7 as investigators listened over the next few days, the informants recordings revealed details of the plot to kill maurizio. the pizzeria owner had done much of the planning. first, he collected information about maurizio the s daily comings and goings. then, he secured the getaway car and planned the escape route. law on the day of the murder, the former mechanic joined him. they drove to the location and waited in the car until they saw maurizio walking toward his office building. that s when the former mechanic got out of the car and stood by the buildings entrance. pretending to look at the address number. when maurizio past him, he sneaked up from behind and pumped him full of bullets.
witnesses. the hotel clerk and the pizzeria owner confessed and agreed to testify for the prosecution. the pizzeria owner turned getaway driver told the jury that patrizia met him to make sure he went through with the murder plot. he said i m worried because what if they catch me? and that s when patrizia said don t worry about that, i will give you enough money for you, your children, your children s children, and if they catch you i will pay for yourself with gold. that s when he decided to go forward with? that that s when he decided with him to do it. there it was, patrizia s direct connection to the murder plot. but don t take the pizzeria owner s words for it, the prosecutor told the jury. take patrizia reggiani s. she had incriminated herself by keeping a detailed record of her thoughts in of all things a cartier diary. one of the things she wrote in her diary is a sentence that
her own hands and organized murder and then went to mrs. gucci and said you have to pay or else you would get into trouble. when we went around asking what you should have done. [end of translation] it seems that the defense strategy was to put the blame squarely on to pina. they presented a lead or written by patrizia before she got arrested in which he wrote, if you re looking for who murdered maurizio it was pina auriemma and then she blackmailed me. in fact, the pizzeria owner supported that idea when he testified that on the day before the murder, he d received a call from pina who told him that maurizio had returned from milan from a business trip. the defense argued the call set the stage for the murder. the defense also brought up the rumors about pina s psychic abilities and charged that she use them to control patrizia. [speaking non-english] translator: mrs. auriemma was considered a clairvoyant, an adviser. mrs. auriemma had this
investigation took place. so what finally was it? there was a guest who had befriended the hotel clerk. and this guest claim to be a big league deal you think you are a big shot? i was involved in the murder of maurizio gucci. unfortunately for the hotel clerk, he was showing off to a man who was lying about who he really was. which was a nobody. he was just a guy who was broke and he got scared when he heard about the hotel clerks involvement in the gucci murder. so we decided to call the police. and he met with the head of the crime unit right here in this park in milan in the middle of the night. a little bit like a spy movie. as a matter of fact he became a bit of a spy, he agreed to wear a wire so police could find the evidence that the hotel clerk was involved in the gucci murder. the hotel clerk unwittingly introduced the informant to his alleged accomplices. a retired pizzeria owner and a former mechanic.
we were all s this idea of killing maurizio would disappear from her mind. [end of translation] so the hotel clerk went to the pizzeria owner who needed money to repay his gambling debts. but then the pizzeria owner went to the only small time criminal he knew who had a gun. it was at that point according to pina that patrizia who is getting impatient when behind or back to go mid-the gang. the scam took a horrible turn. [speaking non-english] translator: so she took me totally out of the picture. i do not know what you promised this people to commit this heinous crime. [end of translation] that s how pina claimed to be completely out of the loop when maurizio was killed. but after the murder happened then you went to pay them, is that right? [speaking non-english] translator: yes, i did. i was we once again with her, as i always was with her. the people needed to be paid