This Pizza Shop Owner Distributed A Day s Profit Among His Employees This Pizza Shop Owner Distributed A Day s Profit Among His Employees Josh Elchert has been running the pizza shop for 11 years in Findlay area of Ohio, USA.
A pizza shop in Ohio distributed a day s profit among its employees
Businesses the world over have had to weather massive disruptions due to the pandemic. As they gradually recover from the shock, some of them have decided to show their appreciation to their employees for standing by them during the tough year. The latest to do so is a pizzeria owner in the US state of Ohio. The owner of Heavenly Pizza in Findlay gave an entire day s profits to his employees to express gratitude. In a Facebook video on the “Employee Appreciation Day” on July 5, the owner, Josh Elchert, urged people to buy pizzas and assure that “none of the money is coming back to the pizza shop” on that day.