Activist Piyath Nikeshala was arrested by the Criminal Investigations Department (CID) over allegations he had recorded a telephone conversation involving Minister Tiran Alles.
Nikeshala was arrested after being summoned by the CID to record a statement over the allegations.
A complaint had be
COLOMBO (News 1st); A crowd gathered outside the Ministry of Health this morning, demanding the immediate arrest of former Health Minister Keheliya - Get the latest breaking news and top stories from Sri Lanka, the latest political news, sports news, weather updates, exam results, business news, entertainment news, world news and much more from News 1st, Sri Lanka's leading news network.
Aragalaya activist Piyath Nikeshala, who was arrested by the Criminal Investigations Department yesterday, was granted bail today.
However, the court imposed an overseas travel ban on Nikeshala.
He was arrested yesterday for reportedly live streaming the incident where President Ranil Wickreme