Pixelmator Pro for Mac has a new update out that adds and tweaks features, including a new photo browser and overall workflow improvements that include better support for PSD and SVG filetypes.
The Pixelmator Team has released Pixelmator Pro 2.4.3, an update of its image editor designed exclusively for the Mac. It sports an improved Photos Browser, syncing improvements, and more. The Pixelmator Team says the revamped Photo Browser has been “redesigned from the ground up” to improve support
Pixelmator Pro 2.4 https://rg.to/file/3042a33a63db605989f591294d483a8c https://nitro.download/view/710F85F09BB18D4/PixPro24.zip Pixelmator Pro is an incredibly powerful, beautiful, and easy to use image editor designed exclusively for Mac. With a wide range of professional-grade, nondestructive i.
The Pixelmator Team has released Pixelmator Pro Odessa, an update of its image editor designed exclusively for the Mac. The upgrade brings a completely redesigned Layers sidebar, color adjustments and effects layers, over 200 new vector shapes, and more. It also adds support for M1 Ultra Macs. Pixe