The signs and symptoms of pitta imbalance are directly related to the pitta dosha s qualities of fire and water. Pitta governs digestion and metabolism, so the fire may begin in the small intestine and stomach primary pitta s seats in the body with indigestion, heartburn, or diarrhoea.
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I learned about Ayurveda when my first son was born with health challenges. In the first couple of months, he developed rashes, colic, and blood in his stool.
As a new mom, I was overwhelmed and desperate to find sensible solutions to my baby’s life-threatening allergies, frequent infections, croupy coughs, and sleepless nights. I was discouraged by the guidance of the many conventional doctors I visited. They diagnosed him with allergic colitis, eczema, and asthma. Their prescription: steroids, inhalers, and antibiotics. But all that just seemed so harsh for his small, developing body. Was this the best way to help my baby?