safety? well, the latest poll is suggesting that he is for now, and the three republicans that you have shown there are the ones who will gain the most in the short term, and we are riding on to a wa te here shter because we don t have the full account of the at tact, and when people are scare canned and within the republican party, there is a suspicio pispicion o on the right end of the party, and unfair to millions of american middle-class muslims, but mun tnonetheless, it is the and the candidates who project toughness are going to be coming out on top, and this is trump, christie and cruz. and i think that with the conversation with the republicans, hillary clinton may have be helped a little bit, because she has gotten to the hawkish side of president obama. and she is position herself between the republicans who are probably too hawkish for a lot of american, and president obama, and americans seem to be in a tougher mood.