The staff from Bangor Daily News’ four Aroostook and one Piscataquis county weeklies took home several writing, photography and design awards from the Maine Press Association’s annual Better Newspaper Contest held in Bar Harbor on Oct. 22.
In an article about Stonyvale Farm collecting food waste to create electricity using anaerobic digestion, Maine Public cited a 2018 University of Maine study that found Maine generates more than 200,000 tons of food scraps each year, and the statewide capacity for recycling all that material grew by about four times between 2014 and 2017, […]
Morning Ag Clips, the Bangor Daily News and the Piscataquis Observer shared information about a new series of monthly webinars offered by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension about preserving Maine foods starting June 16, from noon–12:45 p.m. “Common Home Food Preservation Ingredients and Equipment” topics include recommended equipment and ingredients for canning and freezing, […]
The Piscataquis Observer shared information about a free webinar for farmers on soil health management offered by the University of Maine Cooperative Extension from 6–7:30 p.m. on April 20. Webinar topics include what soil health is, how it is measured and how to improve total soil health by managing a farm’s cropping system. The webinar […]