MBP M502N would be launching in India around August 2023 with the estimated price of Rs 5 Lakh. Get all the details on MBP M502N including Launch Date, Specifications, Mileage, latest News and Reviews @ ZigWheels.com
The Dunlop RoadSmart IV is the brand’s most versatile sport-touring tyre yet and features a combination of Dunlop’s innovations to create a multi-talented t .
After endless spy shots and teaser trailers, the eagerly anticipated KTM 890 SMT is here – the first bike to bear the Supermoto Touring name since the V-twin 990 SMT of the late noughties.
Designed to provide a halfway house between long distance comfort and supermoto scratching, it tips the scales at 194kg and sits between the existing arsenal of 890 Dukes and 890 Adventures as a leggy corner carver, powered by the firm’s Euro5-compliant 889cc parallel-twin engine.
Versions of this LC8c motor can already be found in the aforementioned Duke and Adventure models, however KTM say the SMT has a fresh re-tune to match the more aggressive, abrupt nature of a modern-day motard.
We’ve been expecting the SMT for years – first spotting it in testing back in October 2021. Now here in the flesh, it looks set to go up against the likes of BMW’s F900XR, and MV Agusta’s Turismo Velo
Brutale 800 RR A striking relaunch, and a spectacular model year 2022 roster; limited series that went sold out a few minutes from launch; new segments and .