transcanada are supposed to hire their own inspectors during construction. it s to make sure that a contractor doesn t put pressure on the inspector to signed off on work that is not up to code. following the rules can mean slow construction and inflated buckets but they are designed to keep canadians safe. if those pipes rupture, it could lead to spills or even explosions. it s safety over the long term of the pipeline. reporter: meet evan vokes. he used to work at canada s head office in downtown calgary. now a whistle-blower and speaking only on camera to cbc news alleging transcanadian didn t always follow the rules around inspection. asking the company to do the right thing and to allow the energy to be the engineering. it absolutely matters because we don t know what the long-term risks are. we have to control the ones that we can during construction. reporter: now after examining the evidence he brought, the neb