to a four-year university next year and maybe you want to do that or maybe you don t. what advice do you have for somebody like that? we ve none of those people go to four-year schools. they all go to get training that s currently in demand. those scholarships pay a huge return on investment. welders, steam fitters, pipe fitters, mechanics. there has never been a need for skilled work like there is right now. so again, if you are inclined to think that way, to work that way, the world is your oyster. if you re not, sadly, and you are a man, statistically you are probably sitting home spending 2,000 a year looking at your screen. we have to talk about that. we ve got to do something about it. not in a scoldy way but we have to acknowledge it. it is enormous. bill: one of the things you talk about is like the do it yourself kind of stuff. literally where you take control
According to building trades workers, BP replaced as many as three-quarters of its unionized workforce with lesser skilled, nonunion contractors to do critical maintenance and repair work just weeks before the catastrophe.
they re protected by unions. i i think we have to do something so a new administration can come in and fire those who don t get onboard for the new agenda. welsh sean, as you know well, of course, you make the fundamental distinction between private sector unions, and we know these groups in wisconsin, you work with them, you know, the carpenters, the pipe fitters, the road builders, the operating engineers, blue collar, hard working guys who invest an enormous sean: good people. right. and they should be angry, by the way, about biden magically forgiving up to $30 billion in student 30 billion in student loan 300 billion. private sector unions, we have a good friendship with them, no problem with them at all, make the distinction with public sector unions. i think it s fair to say that they distort the democratic process, because in many cases, particularly teachers unions, they funnel money into political campaigns and so the legislators
they re protected by unions. i i think we have to do something so a new administration can come in and fire those who don t get onboard for the new agenda. welsh sean, as you know well, of course, you make the fundamental distinction between private sector unions, and we know these groups in wisconsin, you work with them, you know, the carpenters, the pipe fitters, the road builders, the operating engineers, blue collar, hard working guys who invest an enormous sean: good people. right. and they should be angry, by the way, about biden magically forgiving up to $30 billion in student 30 billion in student loan 300 billion. private sector unions, we have a good friendship with them, no problem with them at all, make the distinction with public sector unions. i think it s fair to say that they distort the democratic process, because in many cases, particularly teachers unions, they funnel money into political campaigns and so the legislators