steve: donna mcdaniel was a fourth two-year term at th steve: ronna mcdaniel wants another term as the head of the rnc. i believe the question our party needs to have is whether she should be running for a fourth term and i believe theev answer to that is no. steve: lee zelle dib did prettyo well. maybe people should listen to him. joining us harmeet dhillon,e challenging macdaniels for the chair. heat the race has begun to pip steam the last few days. the texas gop executive committee came out big with aw vote of no confidence for thefo currenr t
volunteered for it be withdrawing the appeals. everyone on death row currently is not likely to have been put to death anyway. but we had this practice in place where they could be. we have people on death row longer than 20 years. we are joining the rest of the industrialized world and the other 16 states. when you talk about the states, wisconsin outlawed the death penalty in 1853 and maine did it in 1876, it was not a new movement, it s a slow one, it s picking ining steam it s pip steam. we will encventually do away wi it. snerm of the men in connecticut on death row. part of it getting passed was that it will not apply retroactively. those men will still technically be facing execution, there are