Additionally, claimants must usually be aged between 16 and state pension age.
Claimants must have a health condition where they:
Have had difficulties with daily living or getting around (or both) for three months
Expect these difficulties to continue for at least nine months
PIP may be received by state pensioners (Image: GETTY)
Claimants will usually also need to have lived in England, Scotland or Wales for at least two of the previous three years and be living in one of these countries when they apply.
For those who have reached state pension age, which is currently sitting at 66, it may be possible to still get PIP if:
Explaining one is in receipt of PIP is key, but individuals may need to send over proof of their receipt of the sum through their PIP award letter.
Citizens Advice has also stated Britons should check they are claiming all the benefits they are entitled to.
It may be the case a person has now become eligible for a new benefit, or was simply unaware they could claim more financial support.
In a similar sense, aside from the formal benefit premiums, Britons could also get a boost to their PIP in other ways.
PIP: What is PIP? (Image: EXPRESS)
Additionally, PIP eligibility can help with travel costs.
According to Citizens Advice, when a person gets their PIP award letter, they ll be able to apply for a:
Disabled Persons Railcard
Vehicle tax discount of 50 percent - if they get the standard PIP mobility rate
Vehicle tax discount of 100 percent - if you get the enhanced PIP mobility rate
PIP may help with travel expenses (Image: GETTY)
PIP recipients may also qualify for free local bus travel in England and Wales but they will need to contact their local councils for further details.
Enhanced PIP mobility rate claimants will also be able to use the motability scheme, which allows people to gain access to certain vehicles such as powered wheelchairs.
PIP, OR Personal Independence Payments, are a form of financial support intended to assist many people right across the country. Indeed, the sum overseen by the DWP could provide particular aid to individuals with hearing loss or other conditions.
Additionally, they must also have a health condition or disability where they:
Have had difficulties with daily living or getting around (or both) for at least three months
Expect these difficulties to continue for at least nine months
PIP overpayments can trigger fraud alerts (Image: GETTY/PA IMAGES )
The payments awarded can vary if a person s condition or personal circumstances change and as such, overpayments may occur from time to time.
A person may end up being paid too much money if they did not report a change straight away, gave wrong information to the Government, or were overpaid simply by mistake.