kerry and his vietnam war medals has just gotten worse. msnbc kind of stumbled into the idea of a liberal counterpart. people watch fox news thinking there s news in it. racists, loons and pinheads. there was no longer a shared, factual basis for our political views. we didn t all go home and watch walter cronkite. crossfire. on the left, james carville and paul begala. on the right, robert novak and tucker carlson. in the crossfire i remember when jon stewart went on crossfire. it was 2004. john kerry was the democratic presidential nominee facing george w. bush. and i thought, you know, watching it, i said, this is going to be a funny show.
xfinity gives you more to stream to more screens. paul: the supreme court wrapped up its term this week with a big win for religious liberty in a closely watched case the justices ruled 7-2. missouri acted improperly when it denied public funds to a lutheran church seeking assistance from a state program providing grants for playground improvements. we re back with dan henninger and bill magern and james torrent also join us. bill, how big a victory was this for religious freedom. i think it s a big victory. i said before in mid evil times they debated angels on pinheads. today we debate whether a playground that s lutheran can
we mock mid evil philosophers for counting the number of angels on pinheads and now we have a supreme court when a playground becomes religious or an act of a church. i was really encouraged basically is sounding really skeptical of the state been able to make these distinctions. something called the neutrality principle. just just as kagan did say it was a neutral function. it s not religious. now, in 2002 zalman case they won and the justice was writing for the majority in it said it was a neutral administered program and join him was sandra day o connor. in that case both of them
republican party says no, we re not going to approve another entitlement. that s going to bankrupt the nation and cause working americans to pay for their insurance, higher premiums. that breach is impossible. if you re going to stay where you are, and both parties well, you won t get any democratic support. what the republican pinheads have to do sandra: are they all pinheads? bill: the republican party is in disarray. trump didn t win because of the republican party, he won because of the populace. he won because of his ability to reach the voters. meghan: do you think is blame of the freedom caucuses accurate? bill: yes. that wasn t the final bill. push that along and you get it to the senate, they do what they do over there and then it comes back to you.
would you see that? absolutely. bill: you guys covered it on the five. we covered it. to not cover it, you have to make a decision, and i believe the decision is, we re not going to cover it because it will help president trump. fair enough. but i feel there is a bigger issue that the media is liberal and liberals have always been the pro-immigration, on the side of the illegal immigrants, because there is one reason for that. if you are the party that does that, that brings illegals into the mainstream, gives them citizenship, gives them the vote, you will never lose another vote. but what about the 14-year-old girl? that puts a 17-year-old and an 18-year-old in a freshman class? the media doesn t cover it, then people don t know about it. you can t even ask if someone is illegal. that s against the law. bill: these pinheads in maryland, some of them even justified it, justified putting two guys who had just arrived in this country illegally into a