Elder Gary E. Stevenson joined a panel of speakers during the G20 Religion Forum in Bali, Indonesia, to talk about about common ground and building peace.
Search Vice President Ma’ruf Amin gives his opening remarks at the recent Huawei Indonesia Qurban untuk Negeri. (Photo Courtesy of Huawei) Vice President Urges All to Ramp Up Contributions for Nation, Huawei Indonesia Launches I Do Care Campaign BY :JAKARTA GLOBE
Jakarta. Vice President
Ma’ruf Amin has reminded all stakeholders, from civil society, communities, and corporations, to reflect on Idul Adha as the momentum to intensify their contributions to cushion the economy from the pandemic impacts and speed up national recovery.
Ma ruf was speaking at at the opening of the Huawei Indonesia Qurban untuk Negeri on Tuesday. Also attending the event were Sharia Economy Society (MES) secretary-general Iggi Haruman Achsien, Muhammadiyah s central executive board chairman Haedar Nashir, Indonesian Ulema Council (MUI) halal head Sholahuddin Al Aiyub. Nahdatul Ulama legal head Robikin Emhas and Huawei Indonesia chief execut