every casino has house girls. the house girls are the girls that work for the casinos. annie says she herself was once a house girl for a major las vegas casino. when a big spending guest requested a prostitute, annie would get a call from her contact. the $7,000 fee would be split down the middle, half for annie, half for the casino. i used to work this town f you know what i m saying. just as the group is about to call it a night, a young girl catches annie s eye. be careful. i had a pimp and everything, girl. trust me. i ve seen it firsthand. they re aggressive out here. okay. baby, i remember when i was 21. you could be my daughter. she said she was 21 and she was a stripper but had tattoos, brandings, pimp brandings, all over her body. you can call us if you need anything. okay. message is hey, you re not