Pjackpot in world could grow pagain before tonights drawing. Pfox 13s Alcides Segui is pfollowing last minute push for ptickets. P stores like this, on gandy pwest shore have been busy all pmorning long. Pnow is kind of starting to slow pdown, but it will pick back up pagain during lunch. Pheres a question for you maybe pyou got some money hanging paround. Phow good if you had p 584 million . Pyou could buy every combination pout there. Pyoud walk with a massive rofit. Pyou would win this jackpot, the plump sum right now is 930 pmillion, if you bought every pticket, that alone would give pyou 346 million profit. Lus, 92 million in lower tier rizes and by flooding the psystem with all the tickets that pyou just purchased, the lump sum pvalue of the jackpot would rise ptheoretically win back appear pgrand total of 1. 2 billion in pwinnings after taxes and other pdeductions. Pyou walk away 584 million. Pbut heres where that theory pgoes bust. Pyoull likely have to share the pjackpot durin