The biggest change on city streets was the Manteca Police traffic division.
For the first 11 months of 2020 the unit that was up to its same strength with five assigned officers that were in place before budget cuts hit in 2009 issued 2,194 tickets for moving violations. Moving violations are the most egregious traffic violations that have a direct impact on accidents speeding, failing to yield, running red lights and rolling through stop signs.
There was a trade-off even with five motorcycle officers. While moving violation tickets were up 54.51 percent from the 1,420 issued in 2019, non-moving violation tickets dropped 33.81 percent going from 1,719 in 2019 to 1,151 in 2020. That said reducing moving violations are considered key to reducing accidents.
By allowing ads to appear on this site, you support the local businesses who, in turn, support great journalism. Ripon Unified campus planned in City of Manteca An aerial view of the 30,000-square-foot Hat mansion and its grounds taken in 2018 looking to the southeast.
The largest cluster of half-plexes ever built in Manteca 112 are being advanced for a project to convert what was a 184-acre grape vineyard into a new neighborhood with at least 739 homes.
They are basically duplexes that are built so each unit can be sold separately. It is the first project ever proposed south of the 120 Bypass that is neither a traditional free-standing single family home or an apartment complex.
By allowing ads to appear on this site, you support the local businesses who, in turn, support great journalism. SHOULD HAT MANSION STAY OR BE TORN DOWN? Vetting for 739 homes proposed around it asks that as part of environmental review Should the Hat Mansion be torn down or allowed to be sold as a residence and surrounded by a sea of tract homes?
It could be the most usual environmental vetting ever done for a Manteca subdivision.
The Hat Ranch project making its third run for approval and annexation to the city is moving forward with two options: Leaving the ultimate 30,000-square-foot McMansion that’s known as the Hat Mansion in place or tearing it down and replacing it with typical tract housing.