The SEG and the WSWS are holding an online meeting on June 4 to discuss the new book Pike River: The Crime and Cover-up by Tom Peters, about the 2010 mine disaster in New Zealand.
<em>Pike River: The Crime and Cover-up</em>, published by Mehring Books, examines the causes of the 2010 New Zealand mine disaster, which killed 29 people, and the decade-long cover-up by successive governments and the judicial system, which have shielded the company leadership from prosecution.
Ben Joynson was 10-years-old when his father William died, with 28 other workers, in the 2010 Pike River coal mine disaster. He said the trauma suffered by the victims’ families has been made worse by the lack of accountability.
Gordon Dixon, whose brother Allan died in the 2010 Pike River mine disaster, told the WSWS that the Labour Party-led government’s decision to permanently seal the mine was part of an ongoing cover-up to protect those responsible.