Lucas Banzoli is a very active Brazilian anti-Catholic theological writer, who denies that Jesus is immutable in His Divine Nature. In other words, Brazilian anti-Catholic and non-trinitarian apologist Lucas Banzoli responded to my “20 Biblical Proofs for the Papacy”. This is Part II of my systematic counter-reply.
Lucas Banzoli is a very active Brazilian anti-Catholic theological writer, who denies that Jesus is immutable in His Divine Nature. In other words, Brazilian anti-Catholic and non-trinitarian apologist Lucas Banzoli takes on my “20 Biblical Proofs for the Papacy”, and I offer a systematic, comprehensive counter-reply.
The Sistine Chapel is one of the chapels of the Apostolic Palace in the Vatican City State, where the pope's official residence is located. Originally it worked like the chapel of the Vatican fort and was known like Cappella Magna. Its name comes from Pope Sixtus IV who ordered its restoration between 1473 and 1481
In Western art history, a mise en abyme is a technique of placing one image inside another, or a story inside a story. To say this technique is being used in The White Lotus, season 2 would be an understatement.