Someone forwarded an audio recording to me few days ago which must have been preserved for more than 57 years. It was the voice of Chief Samuel Ladoke Akintola (SLA), the last Premier of the Western Region and the 13th Aare Ona Kakanfo of Yorubaland The voice was unmistakable, in his distinctive Ogbomosho accent. The summary of what he said, which I have transcribed from Yoruba to English (as best as I could) was:
They can each pursue this interest in their separate countries. Cultural, linguistic and tribal homogeneity would promote institutional stability for the separate nations. There are points in life where all forms of pretenses should be jettisoned and people must be pragmatic; I believe that time is now.
HAD he opted to live quietly as a priest, tending to his flock and steering clear of politics, the career of Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who passed on aged