02/04/2024 - In this hybrid live action-animated documentary, Pieter van Huystee tells the stories of women interned in Japanese camps in the Dutch East Indies during World War II
27/07/2023 - In the second round of the incentive, contributions were made to 12 fiction features, nine documentaries, three drama series and one documentary series; 13 of these are international co-productions
25/11/2021 - In his feature-length debut, Louis Hothothot returns home to China from his life in Amsterdam to take stock and confront his parents about the past
25/11/2021 - In his feature-length debut, Louis Hothothot returns home to China from his life in Amsterdam to take stock and confront his parents about the past
25/11/2021 - In his feature-length debut, Louis Hothothot returns home to China from his life in Amsterdam to take stock and confront his parents about the past